This file contains all script commands which Oni gives to us. If you write "dump_docs" (without the " ") into a script and run the game, Oni creates a file named "script_commands.txt". You will find it in your Oni folder.
Game Script Commands Developer Script Commands Cheats
line structure: | script command [parameter] - description - example (commands in this colour work not on a Mac and not with the PC demo version) |
parameter: | parameter | you have to use this parameter |
[parameter] | in my opinion this parameter is an option; you can use it or not |
(null) | type only the script command, nothing else |
no parameter given | type the script command and add = 0 or = 1 (sometimes you can add higher numbers, f.e. cm_distance = 200) |
symbols: | ??? | I'm not sure, if it's right. |
!no description! | I haven't found a description. |
* | An example which I've tried and which works fine. (Examples without the * you can find in the level scripts. If there is no example given, so either I've tested it, but there was no visible effect, or I haven't tested it, because I was to lazy or to stupid to understand the meaning of the command or something else;-) |
** | The same as above, but you have to activate the developer mode. |
### | An extra explanation to the script command above. |
Game Script Commands
Developer Script Commands Cheats
ai2 - camera - character - cinematic - console - coprse - cutscene - diary - door - environment - game - graphics - input - message - movie - object - objective - player - powerup - reset - slowmotion - sound - target - timer - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - ui (hud) - weapon
commands which have an effect on all AIs:
ai2_allpassive passive:int {0 | 1} - stops all AIs from thinking for themselves - ai2_allpassive 1
ai2_blind - turns off the AI's visual sensing system - *ai2_blind = 1*
ai2_boss_battle - enables AI boss-battle target selection - ai2_boss_battle = 1
ai2_deaf - turns off the AI's sound sensing system - *ai2_deaf = 1*
ai2_ignore_player - makes all AI ignore the player - ai2_ignore_player = 1
ai2_kill [param1:string] [param2:string] - kills one or more AIs - ai2_kill ScanKerr01 // *ai2_kill*
ai2_spawnall (null) - spawns all AI, even those not initially present - *ai2_spawnall*
ai2_stopignoring_count - set the number of events before the AI will stop ignoring
ai2_stopignoring_time - set the delay timer before the AI forgets about ignored events
ai2_takecontrol on_off:int {0 | 1} - makes the AI movement system take control of the player - ai2_takecontrol 1
commands which have an effect on one AI:
ai2_active [ai_name:string | script_id:int] - forces an AI into active mode
ai2_attack [ai_name:string | script_id:int] [target_name:string | target_script_id:int] - forces an AI to attack another character - ai2_attack IntroNinja 0
ai2_barabbas_retrievegun [ai_name:string | script_id:int] - makes Barabbas retrieve his gun if it is lost - ai2_barabbas_retrievegun barabus
ai2_barabbas_run - lets Barabbas run while carrying his gun
ai2_chump (null) - creates a chump - *ai2_chump*
### spawns a striker_easy_1 character next to the player
ai2_chump_stop - stops the chump
ai2_comehere [ai_name:string | script_id:int] - tells an AI to come to the player
ai2_doalarm [ai_name:string | script_id:int] [console_id:int] - tells an AI to run for an alarm - ai2_doalarm ambush_commguy_2 4
### if the AI is passive, ai2_doalarm cannot be executed
ai2_dopath [ai_name:string | script_id:int] path_name:string - tells an AI to run a particular path - ai2_dopath A_E3 patrol_49
### if the AI is passive, ai2_dopath cannot be executed
ai2_followme [ai_name:string | script_id:int] - tells an AI to follow the player - ai2_followme s2_t05
ai2_forget [ai_name:string | script_id:int] [forget_char:string] - makes one or all AIs forget they saw anything - ai2_forget Sec_Ambush_BOL_1
ai2_idle [ai_name:string | script_id:int] - tells an AI to become idle - *ai2_idle A1_intro01*
ai2_inactive [ai_name:string | script_id:int] - forces an AI into inactive mode
ai2_kill [param1:string] [param2:string] - kills one or more AIs - ai2_kill ScanKerr01 // *ai2_kill*
ai2_lookatchar [ai_name:string | script_id:int] [ai_name:string | script_id:int] - tells an AI to look at a character - ai2_lookatchar 0 Barabus
### needs ai2_takecontrol 1 if Konoko should do that
ai2_lookatme [ai_name:string | script_id:int] - tells an AI to look at the player - ai2_lookatme s2_t05
ai2_makeaware [ai_name:string | script_id:int] [target_name:string | target_script_id:int] - makes an AI aware of another character - ai2_makeaware GrifElite04 char_0
ai2_makeblind [ai_name:string | script_id:int] on_off:int{0 | 1} - makes a single AI blind - ai2_makeblind ShinShin 1
ai2_makedeaf [ai_name:string | script_id:int] on_off:int{0 | 1} - makes a single AI deaf - ai2_makedeaf ShinShin 1
ai2_makeignoreplayer [ai_name:string | script_id:int] on_off:int{0 | 1} - makes a single AI ignore the player - ai2_makeignoreplayer ParkStriker 1
ai2_movetoflag [ai_name:string | script_id:int] flag_id:int [setfacing:string{"setfacing"}] - tells an AI to move to a flag - ai2_movetoflag 0 1091
### needs ai2_takecontrol 1 if Konoko should do that
ai2_neutralbehavior [ai_name:string | script_id:int] behavior:string - sets up an AI's neutral-interaction - ai2_neutralbehavior neutral_3 none
ai2_noncombatant [ai_name:string | script_id:int] non_combatant:int{0 | 1} - sets or clears an AI's non-combatant state - *ai2_noncombatant A1_intro01 1*
ai2_panic [ai_name:string | script_id:int] timer:int - makes an AI panic or not panic - *ai2_panic A1_s_red02 300*
### I've tried ai2_panic A1_s_red02 300 ==> Oni crashed
ai2_passive [ai_name:string | script_id:int] passive:int{0 | 1} - stops an AI from thinking for itself - ai2_passive Intro_Striker_4 1
ai2_reset [reset_player:int] - resets AI as if start of level - *ai2_reset*
ai2_setalert [ai_name:string | script_id:int] alert:string - sets the alert state of an AI - ai2_setalert Floor2_Striker_2 high
### alert strings: lull, low, medium, high, combat
ai2_setjobstate [ai_name:string | script_id:int] - tells an AI to take its current state as its job - ai2_setjobstate E_Er34
### if the AI is passive, ai2_setjobstate cannot be executed
ai2_setmovementmode [ai_name:string | script_id:int] mode:string - sets an AI's current movement mode - ai2_setmovementmode finalam_striker_1 walk (movement mode strings: creep, walk, walk_noaim, run, run_noaim)
### needs ai2_takecontrol 1 if Konoko should do that
ai2_spawn ai_name:string [force_spawn:string{"force"}] - creates and starts an AI from a character object - ai2_spawn ambush_striker_2
ai2_tripalarm - alarm_id:int [ai_name:string | script_id:int] - trips an alarm - ai2_tripalarm 2 0
ai2 - camera - character - cinematic - console - coprse - cutscene - diary - door - environment - game - graphics - input - message - movie - object - objective - player - powerup - reset - slowmotion - sound - target - timer - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - ui (hud) - weapon
cm_anim cam_spec:string{"move" | "look" | "both"} anim_name:string - initiates a camera animation - cm_anim both OutroCam03
cm_anim_block cam_spec:string{"move" | "look" | "both"} anim_name:string - initiates a camera animation - cm_anim_block both OutroCam04
cm_barabus [ai_name:string | script_id:int] away:float up:float time:int - special camera for barabus
cm_canter_unarmed - camera canter - *cm_canter_unarmed = 30*
cm_canter_weapon - camera canter
cm_detach (null) - detaches the camera - cm_detach
cm_distance - camera distance - *cm_distance = 200*
cm_height - camera height - *cm_height = 50*
cm_interpolate cam_name:string num_frames:int - initiates a camera interpolation - cm_interpolate GrifCam01 180
cm_interpolate_block anim_name:string num_frames:int - initiates a camera interpolation - cm_interpolate_block OutroCam05 180
cm_jello mode:int {0 | 1} - toggles camera Jello(tm) mode - cm_jello 1
### if cm_jello 0, the walls aren't transparent any longer
cm_jello_amt - sets the transparency of walls - *cm_jello_amt = 50*
cm_jello_radius - !no description!
cm_lookspring_percent - at what percent of lookspring fight mode turns off
cm_orbit speed:float [stopangle:float] - puts the camera in orbit mode - cm_orbit .1
cm_orbit_block speed:float [stopangle:float] - puts the camera in orbit mode - *cm_orbit_block 2 180*
cm_plane_test - jello camera plane test
cm_reset [maxspeed:float] [maxFocalAccel:float] - resets the camera - cm_reset
cm_wait (null) - makes the camera wait until it is no longer busy - cm_wait
ai2 - camera - character - cinematic - console - coprse - cutscene - diary - door - environment - game - graphics - input - message - movie - object - objective - player - powerup - reset - slowmotion - sound - target - timer - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - ui (hud) - weapon
commands which have an effect on all characters:
chr_active - enables character activity - *chr_active = 0*
chr_aim_width - number of degress of aiming width
chr_all_active - forces all characters to be active - *chr_all_active = 1*
chr_auto_aim_arc - number of degress of auto aiming arc
chr_auto_aim_dist - distance for auto aiming
chr_big_head - draws everyone with a big head - chr_big_head = 1
chr_big_head_amount - Controls the size of the big head - *chr_big_head_amount = 5*
### needs chr_big_head = 1
chr_block_angle - controls the angle at which the characters can block
chr_corpse_fade_offscreen - makes corpses fade when they are offscreen
chr_death_fade_frames - the number of game ticks until charaters fade over
chr_death_fade_start - the number of game ticks until charaters begin to fade
chr_disable_melee - turns off all melee damage
chr_disable_visactive - disable visibility activation - *chr_disable_visactive = 1*
chr_enable_collision - enables character collision - *chr_enable_collision = 0*
chr_kill_all_ai (null) - kills all the AI
### hotkey in developer mode: [F6] - kills all the AI
chr_lod - forces a given lod if it is between 0 and 4
chr_mini_me - decreases the size of the main character - *chr_mini_me = 1*
chr_mini_me_amount - controls the size of the main character - *chr_mini_me_amount = 20*
### needs chr_mini_me = 1
chr_pin_character - pins a character to the ground - *chr_pin_character = 1*
chr_weapon_auto_aim - enables auto aiming
commands which have an effect on one character:
chr_animate [ai_name:string | script_id:int] anim_name:string [num_frames:int] [interp_frames:int] - plays an animation on a character - chr_animate 0 KONOKOcycle_ride 500
chr_animate_block [ai_name:string | script_id:int] anim_name:string [num_frames:int] [interp_frames:int] - plays an animation on a character and blocks until done - chr_animate_block 0 KONOKOlev11_cnsl_idle 300
chr_boss_shield [ai_name:string | script_id:int] - turns on the boss shield for a character - chr_boss_shield OutroNinja
chr_changeteam [ai_name:string | script_id:int] team_name:string - changes a character's team - chr_changeteam guard1 Syndicate
### team name strings: Konoko, TCTF, Syndicate, Neutral, SecurityGuard, RogueKonoko, Switzlerland, SyndicateAccessory
chr_create script_id:int [start_create:string {"start"} | ] - creates a character from an ID of the AISA file - chr_create 1050 start
chr_death_lock [ai_name:string | script_id:int] [on_off:int{0 | 1}] - this character will not die too much - chr_death_lock dum_hit_flash 1
chr_delete [ai_name:string | script_id:int] - deletes a character - chr_delete liliput_striker_1
chr_disarm chr_index:int - disarms a character or everyone
chr_dontaim [ai_name:string | script_id:int] on_off:int{0 | 1} - disables the weapon variant for a character
chr_envanim [ai_name:string | script_id:int] anim:string [norotation:string{"norotation"} | ] - plays an environment animation on a character - chr_envanim 111 OutroNinjaBox01 norotation
chr_envanim_block [ai_name:string | script_id:int] anim:string [norotation:string{"norotation"}] - plays an environment animation on a character and blocks - chr_envanim_block 110 OutroNinjaBox01 norotation
chr_envanim_stop [ai_name:string | script_id:int] - stops any environment animation on a character - chr_envanim_stop IntroNinja
chr_facetoflag [ai_name:string | script_id:int] flag_id:int - snaps a character's facing to a flag's facing - chr_facetoflag IntroNinja 600
chr_focus chr_index:int - selects what character to control - *chr_focus 1*
### needs ai2_takecontrol 1 and the character has to be in your field of view (so look at it or use chr_draw_all_characters = 1)
### for example:
### func void change_character(void)
### {
### chr_draw_all_characters = 1
### chr_wait_animtype 0 crouch
### ai2_takecontrol 1
### sleep 5
### chr_focus 1
### sleep 5
### ai2_takecontrol 0
### chr_draw_all_characters = 0
### }
chr_forceholster [ai_name:string | script_id:int] holster:int{0 | 1} [force_draw:int{0 | 1}] - forces a character to holster their weapon - chr_forceholster IntroStriker02 1
chr_freeze [ai_name:string | script_id:int] passive:int{0 | 1} - stops an AI from thinking for itself - *chr_freeze A1_intro01 1*
### [ai_name:string | script_id:int] = 0 don't work
chr_full_health [ai_name:string | script_id:int] - sets a characters health to full by script id - chr_full_health 0
chr_givepowerup [ai_name:string | script_id:int] powerup:string [amount:int] - gives a character a powerup - *chr_givepowerup 0 ammo 1*
### powerup strings: ammo, cell, hypo, shield (in percent), invis (invisibility in 1/60 seonds), lsi
chr_giveweapon [ai_name:string | script_id:int] weapon_name:string - gives a character a new weapon - chr_giveweapon 0 w1_tap
### weapon strings: w1_tap, w2_sap, w3_phr, w4_psm, w5_sbg, w6_vdg, w7_scc, w8_mbo, w9_scr, w10_sni, w11_ba1
chr_has_empty_weapon [ai_name:string | script_id:int] - returns if this character is holding a weapon that is empty - chr_has_empty_weapon(char_0)
chr_has_lsi [ai_name:string | script_id:int] - records that the character has the lsi - chr_has_lsi(0)
chr_health chr_index:int [hit_points:int] - sets character's health - *chr_health 0 300*
chr_holdkey [ai_name:string | script_id:int] key_name:string num_frames:int - forces a character to hold a key down for some frames
chr_inv_reset [ai_name:string | script_id:int] - clears a characters inventory - chr_inv_reset ambush_tanker_1a
chr_invincible [ai_name:string | script_id:int] [on_off:int{0 | 1}] - makes a character invincible - chr_invincible char_0 1
chr_is_player [ai_name:string | script_id:int] - returns if this character is the player - chr_is_player(character)
chr_location chr_index:int [loc_x:float loc_y:float loc_z:float] - Sets the location of any character - *chr_location 0 100 100 100*
chr_location_settocamera chr_index:int - Sets the location of any character to the camera location - *chr_location_settocamera 1*
chr_lock_active [ai_name:string | script_id:int] - locks the character active - chr_lock_active IntroMuro
chr_main_class [class_name:string | class_index:int] - sets the main characters class - *chr_main_class striker_easy_1*
chr_neutral [ai_name:string | script_id:int] passive:int{0 | 1} - stops an AI from thinking for itself - chr_neutral ParkStriker 1
chr_nocollision [ai_name:string | script_id:int] on_off:int{0 | 1} - disables collision for a character - chr_nocollision 0 1
chr_pain [ai_name:string | script_id:int] pain_type:string - forces a character to play a pain sound
### pain type strings: light, medium, heavy, death
chr_peace [ai_name:string | script_id:int] - turns off fight mode - chr_peace 0
chr_playback [ai_name:string | script_id:int] film_name:string [mode:string{"fromhere" | "interp"}] [num_frames:int] - plays back a film
chr_playback_block [ai_name:string | script_id:int] film_name:string [mode:string{"fromhere" | "interp"}] [num_frames:int] - plays back a film and blocks until complete
chr_poison [ai_name:string | script_id:int] damage:int interval:int [initial_interval:int] - slowly poisons a character - chr_poison (konoko, 10, 60, 90);
chr_set_class chr_index:int [class_name:string | class_index:int] - sets the character class of a specific character - *chr_set_class 0 striker_easy_1*
chr_set_health [ai_name:string | script_id:int] hit_points:int - sets a characters health by script id - chr_set_health dum_hit_flash 50
chr_shadow [ai_name:string | script_id:int] [on_off:int{0 | 1}] - turns of the shadow for this character - chr_shadow ZomShin 1
chr_super [ai_name:string | script_id:int] super_amount:float - set's a character's super value - chr_super 0 1
chr_talk [ai_name:string | script_id:int] sound_name:string pre_pause:int post_pause:int [priority:string | ] - causes a character to play a line of dialogue - chr_talk victim_mansci_1 c02_62_11sci 0 0
chr_teleport [ai_name:string | script_id:int] flag_id:int - teleports a character to a flag - chr_teleport 0 105
chr_ultra_mode [ai_name:string | script_id:int] [on_off:int{0 | 1}] - enables ultra mode for a character
chr_unkillable [ai_name:string | script_id:int] [on_off:int{0 | 1}] - makes a character unkillable - *chr_unkillable A1_intro01 1*
chr_unlock_active [ai_name:string | script_id:int] - unlocks the character active
chr_unstoppable [ai_name:string | script_id:int] [on_off:int{0 | 1}] - makes a character unstoppable - chr_unstoppable IntroMuro 1
chr_vocalize [ai_name:string | script_id:int] type:string - makes a character utter a vocalization (vocalize type strings: override, yell, pain, call, say, chatter, idle)
chr_wait_animation [ai_name:string | script_id:int] [anim_name:string] - waits for a character to play a specific animation - chr_wait_animation 0 KONSPRrun_lt KONSPRrun_rt
chr_wait_animstate [ai_name:string | script_id:int] [anim_name:string] - waits for a character to reach a specific animation state - chr_wait_animstate 0 run_slide
### you can type maximal 16 anim states after the command
chr_wait_animtype [ai_name:string | script_id:int] [anim_name:string] - waits for a character to play a specific animation type - chr_wait_animtype 0 jump
### you can type maximal 16 anim types after the command
chr_wait_health [ai_name:string | script_id:int] health_amount:float - waits until a character's health falls below a value - chr_wait_health Muro 200
chr_weapon chr_index:int [weapon_name:string | weapon_num:int] - sets the weapon for a give character
chr_weapon_immune [ai_name:string | script_id:int] - makes a character weapon immune - chr_weapon_immune(vat_bot_1); // *chr_weapon_immune 0*
ai2 - camera - character - cinematic - console - coprse - cutscene - diary - door - environment - game - graphics - input - message - movie - object - objective - player - powerup - reset - slowmotion - sound - target - timer - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - ui (hud) - weapon
??? cinematic_border - !no description! - not listed in the script_commands.txt file ???
cinematic_start bitmap_name:string draw_width:int draw_height:int start:int end:int velocity:float mirror:bool - start the display of a cinematic insert - cinematic_start (MUROtalking, 180, 180, 15, 1, 15, false)
cinematic_stop bitmap_name:string end:int velocity:float - stop the display of a cinematic insert - cinematic_stop (KONtalkangryfront, 16, 20)
cinematic_xoffset - offset from the vertical edge of the screen for the cinematic insert
cinematic_yoffset - offset from the horizontal edge of the screen for the cinematic insert
ai2 - camera - character - cinematic - console - coprse - cutscene - diary - door - environment - game - graphics - input - message - movie - object - objective - player - powerup - reset - slowmotion - sound - target - timer - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - ui (hud) - weapon
console_activate console_id:int - activates a console - console_activate 14
console_deactivate console_id:int - deactivates a console - console_deactivate 5
console_reset console_id:int - resets a console to initial state - console_reset 7
text_console name:string - Turns on the text console display - text_console level_6d
ai2 - camera - character - cinematic - console - coprse - cutscene - diary - door - environment - game - graphics - input - message - movie - object - objective - player - powerup - reset - slowmotion - sound - target - timer - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - ui (hud) - weapon
chr_corpse_fade_offscreen - makes corpses fade when they are offscreen
chr_death_fade_frames - the number of game ticks until charaters fade over
chr_death_fade_start - the number of game ticks until charaters begin to fade
corpse_reset (null) - resets corpses to their initial state - *corpse_reset*
gs_show_corpses - show corpses - *gs_show_corpses = 0*
make_corpse corpse_name:string - makes a corpse
trigvolume_corpse trig_id:int - kills all the corpses inside a trigger volume - trigvolume_corpse 32
ai2 - camera - character - cinematic - console - coprse - cutscene - diary - door - environment - game - graphics - input - message - movie - object - objective - player - powerup - reset - slowmotion - sound - target - timer - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - ui (hud) - weapon
begin_cutscene [flag:string] - begins a cutscene - begin_cutscene jello
### cutscene flags: ai, animation, invis, jello, keepparticles, nojump, nosync, weapon
### begin_cutscene includes the command ai2_allpassive 1
cutscene_sync sync:string{"on" | "mark" | "off"} - marks a point in a cutscene - cutscene_sync on
end_cutscene (null) - ends a cutscene - end_cutscene
fade_in ticks:int - fades the screen in - fade_in 120
fade_out [r:float | r:int] [g:float | g:int] [b:float | b:int] ticks:int - fades the screen out - fade_out 0 0 0 120
input on_off:int{0 | 1} - turns input on or off - input 0
letterbox start_stop:int{0 | 1} - starts or stops letterboxing - letterbox 0
playback [ai_name:string | script_id:int] film_name:string [mode:string{"fromhere" | "interp"}] [num_frames:int] - plays back a film - Hangar1_A_Striker_1 hangar1_striker1 interp 30
playback_block [ai_name:string | script_id:int] film_name:string [mode:string{"fromhere" | "interp"}] [num_frames:int] - plays back a film and blocks until complete - playback_block Start_Friend_1 roll fromhere // playback_block hangar1f_enemy_2 bomber_jump interp 30
ai2 - camera - character - cinematic - console - coprse - cutscene - diary - door - environment - game - graphics - input - message - movie - object - objective - player - powerup - reset - slowmotion - sound - target - timer - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - ui (hud) - weapon
diary_page_unlock page:int - unlocks a specific diary page on the current level
ai2 - camera - character - cinematic - console - coprse - cutscene - diary - door - environment - game - graphics - input - message - movie - object - objective - player - powerup - reset - slowmotion - sound - target - timer - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - ui (hud) - weapon
commands which have an effect on all doors:
door_ignore_locks - disables all door locks - *door_ignore_locks = 1*
commands which have an effect on one door:
door_open door_id:int - opens a door (may not stay open) - door_open 21
door_close door_id:int - closes a door (may not stay open) - door_close 27
door_lock door_id:int - locks a door - door_lock 6
door_unlock door_id:int - unlocks a door - door_unlock 5
door_jam door_id:int - jams a door in its current state - door_jam 5
door_unjam door_id:int - unjams a door so characters can open it - door_unjam 8
ai2 - camera - character - cinematic - console - coprse - cutscene - diary - door - environment - game - graphics - input - message - movie - object - objective - player - powerup - reset - slowmotion - sound - target - timer - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - ui (hud) - weapon
env_anim obj_id:int [ obj_id:int] - initiates a environment animation for an object - env_anim 901 906
env_anim_block obj_id:int [ obj_id:int] - initiates a environment animation: blocks until completed
env_broken gq_ref:int [gq_endref:int] - computes the number of objects in a range that have all their glass broken - env_broken(3001, 3018);
env_collision - enables environment collision
env_setanim obj_id:int object_name:string - sets up an animation for an object - env_setanim 52 truckcabstop
env_setanim_block obj_id:int object_name:string - sets up an animation: blocks until completed
env_shade gq_ref:int gq_ref:int r:float g:float b:float - sets the shade of a block of objects - env_shade 1500 1501 .9 .8 .9
env_show gq_ref:int on_off:int{0 | 1} - turns on or off specified parts of the environment - env_show 31 1
env_texswap gq_start:int tex_name:string - swaps an environment texture - *env_texswap 401 PIPE_YELLOW*
### tested in level 19 save point 4
ai2 - camera - character - cinematic - console - coprse - cutscene - diary - door - environment - game - graphics - input - message - movie - object - objective - player - powerup - reset - slowmotion - sound - target - timer - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - ui (hud) - weapon
chr_has_empty_weapon [ai_name:string | script_id:int] - returns if this character is holding a weapon that is empty - chr_has_empty_weapon(char_0)
chr_has_lsi [ai_name:string | script_id:int] - records that the character has the lsi - chr_has_lsi(0)
chr_is_player [ai_name:string | script_id:int] - returns if this character is the player - chr_is_player(character)
did_kill_griffen (null) - returns if we did kill griffen - did_kill_griffen()
difficulty (null) - returns the difficulty level
killed_griffen murder:bool - sets if we killed griffen - killed_griffen 1
lose (null) - lose this level - lose
p3_removedangerous (null) - removes all "dangerous projectile" particles by making their lifetime expire - p3_removedangerous
### removes all weapon particles
restore_game (null) - restores the game - restore_game
save_game save_point:int [type:string{"autosave"}] - saves the game - save_game 1 autosave
save_point - which save point we are on - save_point = 1
splash_screen texture:string - displays a splash screen - splash_screen warehouse_splash_screen
win (null) - win this level - win
ai2 - camera - character - cinematic - console - coprse - cutscene - diary - door - environment - game - graphics - input - message - movie - object - objective - player - powerup - reset - slowmotion - sound - target - timer - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - ui (hud) - weapon
??? gl_fog_disabled - fog disabled ???
gl_disable_depth_reads - disable_depth_reads
gl_fog_start val:float - fog start - gl_fog_start = .975
gl_fog_end val:float - fog end - gl_fog_end = 1
gl_fog_green val:float - fog green - gl_fog_green = .15
gl_fog_blue val:float - fog blue - gl_fog_blue = .15
gl_fog_red val:float - fog red - gl_fog_red = .15
gl_fog_end_changeto end_val:float [frames:int] - changes the fog end distance smoothly
gl_fog_start_changeto start_val:float [frames:int] - changes the fog start distance smoothly - gl_fog_start_changeto .995 30
gs_farclipplane_set plane:float - sets the far clipping plane - gs_farclipplane_set 5000
gs_fov_set fov_degrees:float - sets the field of view - *gs_fov_set 300*
ai2 - camera - character - cinematic - console - coprse - cutscene - diary - door - environment - game - graphics - input - message - movie - object - objective - player - powerup - reset - slowmotion - sound - target - timer - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - ui (hud) - weapon
bind input_name:string to:string{"to"} input_function:string - binds an input to a function - *bind numpad0 to forward*
lock_keys [key_name:string] - locks keys out - lock_keys keys_walk
### key name strings: keys_reload, keys_hypo, keys_walk, keys_inventory, keys_action, keys_pause, keys_attack, keys_crouch, keys_jump, keys_movement
unbind input_name:string - removes a binding from a input function - *unbind numpad0*
unbindall (null) - removes all bindings - *unbindall*
wait_for_key - makes the game wait for a key before level load - *wait_for_key = 0*
ai2 - camera - character - cinematic - console - coprse - cutscene - diary - door - environment - game - graphics - input - message - movie - object - objective - player - powerup - reset - slowmotion - sound - target - timer - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - ui (hud) - weapon
dmsg astring:string - debugging message - *dmsg "[b. hello]"*
### "[b. hello]" ==> b stands for blue, it's the colour of the word hello
### "[.hello]" ==> without a character in front of the point, the colour of the word is white
### available colours: b (blue), c (cyan), g (green), l (lila), o (orange), r (red), u (umber), y (yellow)
message message:string [timer:int] - sends a message from the subtitle file - message begin_fight 240
message_remove [message:string] - removes a currently displayed message - message_remove c01_50_23 // *message_remove*
ui_suppress_prompt - suppresses UI prompting about new objectives or moves - ui_suppress_prompt = 1
ai2 - camera - character - cinematic - console - coprse - cutscene - diary - door - environment - game - graphics - input - message - movie - object - objective - player - powerup - reset - slowmotion - sound - target - timer - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - ui (hud) - weapon
movie_play name:string - function to start a movie playing
ai2 - camera - character - cinematic - console - coprse - cutscene - diary - door - environment - game - graphics - input - message - movie - object - objective - player - powerup - reset - slowmotion - sound - target - timer - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - ui (hud) - weapon
obj_create obj_id:int [obj_id:int] - creates a range of objects - obj_create 81 82
obj_force_draw obj_id:int [obj_id:int] - locks an object as visible - obj_force_draw 501 504
obj_hide obj_id:int [obj_id:int] - hides an object
obj_kill obj_id:int [obj_id:int] - kills a range of object - obj_kill 100 104
obj_shade obj_id:int [obj_id:int] r:float g:float b:float - turns display of an object on or off - obj_shade 801 801 .4 .4 .4
obj_show obj_id:int [obj_id:int] - shows an object - obj_show 481 481
ai2 - camera - character - cinematic - console - coprse - cutscene - diary - door - environment - game - graphics - input - message - movie - object - objective - player - powerup - reset - slowmotion - sound - target - timer - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - ui (hud) - weapon
??? new_objective - !no description! ???
objective_complete (null) - plays the objective-complete sound
objective_set page:int [make_silent:string {"silent"}] - Sets the current objective page - objective_set(7,silent) // *objective_set 3 silent*
ui_suppress_prompt - suppresses UI prompting about new objectives or moves - ui_suppress_prompt = 1
ai2 - camera - character - cinematic - console - coprse - cutscene - diary - door - environment - game - graphics - input - message - movie - object - objective - player - powerup - reset - slowmotion - sound - target - timer - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - ui (hud) - weapon
fall_back (null) - makes the player character fall back - *fall_back*
fall_front (null) - makes the player character fall front - *fall_front*
give_powerup powerup_name:string [amount:int] [character:int] - Gives a powerup to a character - give_powerup ammo
### powerup strings: ammo, cell, hypo, shield (in percent), invis (in 1/60 seonds), lsi
goto [loc_x:float loc_y:float loc_z:float] - sets the location of the player character - *goto 100 100 100*
invincible - makes player invincible - invincible = 1
omnipotent - makes player omnipotent - omnipotent = 1
unstoppable - makes player unstoppable
ai2 - camera - character - cinematic - console - coprse - cutscene - diary - door - environment - game - graphics - input - message - movie - object - objective - player - powerup - reset - slowmotion - sound - target - timer - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - ui (hud) - weapon
chr_givepowerup [ai_name:string | script_id:int] powerup:string [amount:int] - gives a character a powerup - *chr_givepowerup 0 ammo 1*
give_powerup powerup_name:string [amount:int] [character:int] - gives a powerup to a character - give_powerup ammo
### to both above: powerup strings: ammo, cell, hypo, shield (in percent), invis (in 1/60 seonds), lsi
powerup_reset (null) - resets all placed powerups to their starting points - *powerup_reset*
powerup_spawn poweruptype:string flag:int - creates a new powerup - powerup_spawn ammo 7042
wp_fadetime - sets free time for powerups (maybe this is the fade time for weapons)
wp_hypostrength - sets strength of hypo spray
ai2 - camera - character - cinematic - console - coprse - cutscene - diary - door - environment - game - graphics - input - message - movie - object - objective - player - powerup - reset - slowmotion - sound - target - timer - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - ui (hud) - weapon
ai2_reset [reset_player:int] - resets AI as if start of level - *ai2_reset*
chr_inv_reset [ai_name:string | script_id:int] - clears a characters inventory - chr_inv_reset ambush_tanker_1a
cm_reset [maxspeed:float] [maxFocalAccel:float] - resets the camera - cm_reset
console_reset console_id:int - resets a console to initial state - console_reset 7
corpse_reset (null) - resets corpses to their initial state - *corpse_reset*
powerup_reset (null) - resets all placed powerups to their starting points - *powerup_reset*
reset_mechanics (null) - resets all level mechanics (triggers, turrets, consoles, etc...) to initial state - *reset_mechanics*
sound_objects_reset (null) - reloads the sounds objects
trig_reset trigger_id:int - resets a trigger to non-triggered state - trig_reset 91
trigvolume_reset name:string - reset a trigger volume to its level-load state - trigvolume_reset tv_move4
turret_reset turret_id:int - resets a turret to initial state
weapon_reset (null) - resets all unheld weapons to their starting state - *weapon_reset*
ai2 - camera - character - cinematic - console - coprse - cutscene - diary - door - environment - game - graphics - input - message - movie - object - objective - player - powerup - reset - slowmotion - sound - target - timer - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - ui (hud) - weapon
slowmo duration:int - starts the slowmotion timer - slowmo 120
### hotkey in developer mode: [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [G] or [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [G] - starts/ends the slowmotion mode
ai2 - camera - character - cinematic - console - coprse - cutscene - diary - door - environment - game - graphics - input - message - movie - object - objective - player - powerup - reset - slowmotion - sound - target - timer - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - ui (hud) - weapon
chr_pain [ai_name:string | script_id:int] pain_type:string - forces a character to play a pain sound
### pain type strings: light, medium, heavy, death
chr_talk [ai_name:string | script_id:int] sound_name:string pre_pause:int post_pause:int [priority:string | ] - causes a character to play a line of dialogue - chr_talk victim_mansci_1 c02_62_11sci 0 0
sound_ambient_start name:string [volume:float] - function to start an ambient sound - sound_ambient_start alarm_loop
sound_ambient_stop name:string - function to stop an ambient sound - sound_ambient_stop alarm_loop
sound_ambient_volume name:string [volume:float] [time:float] - function to set the volume of a playing ambient sound - sound_ambient_volume alarm_loop .35 1.0
sound_dialog_play name:string - function to start character dialog playing - sound_dialog_play c00_01_18shinatama
sound_dialog_play_block name:string - function to start character dialog playing after the current dialog finishes - sound_dialog_play_block c00_01_67shinatama
sound_dialog_play_interrupt name:string - function to interrupt the current character dialog and play a new one - sound_dialog_play_interrupt c00_01_66shinatama
sound_impulse_play name:string [volume:float] - function plays an impulse sound - sound_impulse_play glass_big 1.0
sound_music_start name:string [volume:float] - function to start music playing - sound_music_start mus_asian 0.75
sound_music_stop name:string - function to stop playing music - sound_music_stop mus_asian
sound_music_volume name:string volume:float [time:float] - function to set the volume of playing music - sound_music_volume mus_asian 0.35 1.0
sound_objects_reset (null) - reloads the sounds objects
ai2 - camera - character - cinematic - console - coprse - cutscene - diary - door - environment - game - graphics - input - message - movie - object - objective - player - powerup - reset - slowmotion - sound - target - timer - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - ui (hud) - weapon
target_max_distance - Sets the distance at which the radar will start to change from its minimum
target_set flag_id:int min_distance:float - Sets the target to the specified flag - target_set(7085,30.00)
ai2 - camera - character - cinematic - console - coprse - cutscene - diary - door - environment - game - graphics - input - message - movie - object - objective - player - powerup - reset - slowmotion - sound - target - timer - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - ui (hud) - weapon
timer_start duration:float script:string - starts the countdown timer - timer_start 30 pipe1b
timer_stop (null) - stops the countdown timer - timer_stop
ai2 - camera - character - cinematic - console - coprse - cutscene - diary - door - environment - game - graphics - input - message - movie - object - objective - player - powerup - reset - slowmotion - sound - target - timer - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - ui (hud) - weapon
marketing_line_off - turns the laser line off - marketing_line_off = 1
trig_activate trigger_id:int - activates a trigger - trig_activate 2
trig_deactivate trigger_id:int - deactivates a trigger - trig_deactivate 2
trig_hide trigger_id:int - hides a trigger - trig_hide 91
trig_show trigger_id:int - shows a trigger - trig_show 91
trig_speed trigger_id:int volume:float - sets a triggers speed - trig_speed 514 .15
trig_reset trigger_id:int - resets a trigger to non-triggered state - trig_reset 91
ai2 - camera - character - cinematic - console - coprse - cutscene - diary - door - environment - game - graphics - input - message - movie - object - objective - player - powerup - reset - slowmotion - sound - target - timer - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - ui (hud) - weapon
trigvolume_corpse trig_id:int - kills all the corpses inside a trigger volume - trigvolume_corpse 32
trigvolume_count trig_id:int - counts the number of people in a trigger volume - trigvolume_count(36)
trigvolume_enable name:string enable:int{0 | 1} [type:string{"all" | "entry" | "inside" | "exit"}] - enable or disable a trigger volume - trigvolume_enable lowroad1 0
trigvolume_kill trig_id:int - kills all the characters inside a trigger volume - trigvolume_kill 64
trigvolume_reset name:string - reset a trigger volume to its level-load state - trigvolume_reset tv_move4
trigvolume_setscript name:string script:string type:string{"entry" | "inside" | "exit"} - set the script to call from a trigger volume
trigvolume_trigger name:string type:string{"entry" | "inside" | "exit"} [ai_name:string | script_id:int] - fire off a trigger volume
ai2 - camera - character - cinematic - console - coprse - cutscene - diary - door - environment - game - graphics - input - message - movie - object - objective - player - powerup - reset - slowmotion - sound - target - timer - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - ui (hud) - weapon
turret_activate turret_id:int - activates a turret
turret_deactivate turret_id:int - deactivates a turret - turret_deactivate 20
turret_reset turret_id:int - resets a turret to initial state
ai2 - camera - character - cinematic - console - coprse - cutscene - diary - door - environment - game - graphics - input - message - movie - object - objective - player - powerup - reset - slowmotion - sound - target - timer - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - ui (hud) - weapon
gs_show_ui - turns on the ui - *gs_show_ui = 0*
ui_fill_element element_name:string fill:int - sets part of the HUD to completely filled
ui_flash_element element_name:string fill:int - sets part of the HUD to flash or not flash - ui_flash_element compass 1 (health)
ui_show_element element_name:string show:int - shows or hides part of the HUD - *ui_show_element left 1*
ui_show_help enable:int - debugging: enables the HUD help overlays - *ui_show_help 1*
ui_suppress_prompt - suppresses UI prompting about new objectives or moves - ui_suppress_prompt = 1
ai2 - camera - character - cinematic - console - coprse - cutscene - diary - door - environment - game - graphics - input - message - movie - object - objective - player - powerup - reset - slowmotion - sound - target - timer - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - ui (hud) - weapon
chr_giveweapon [ai_name:string | script_id:int] weapon_name:string - gives a character a new weapon - chr_giveweapon 0 w1_tap
### weapon strings: w1_tap, w2_sap, w3_phr, w4_psm, w5_sbg, w6_vdg, w7_scc, w8_mbo, w9_scr, w10_sni, w11_ba1
chr_has_empty_weapon [ai_name:string | script_id:int] - returns if this character is holding a weapon that is empty - chr_has_empty_weapon(char_0)
chr_forceholster [ai_name:string | script_id:int] holster:int{0 | 1} [force_draw:int{0 | 1}] - forces a character to holster their weapon - chr_forceholster IntroStriker02 1
chr_weapon chr_index:int [weapon_name:string | weapon_num:int] - sets the weapon for a give character
chr_weapon_auto_aim - enables auto aiming
chr_weapon_immune [ai_name:string | script_id:int] - makes a character weapon immune - chr_weapon_immune(vat_bot_1); // *chr_weapon_immune 0*
weapon_reset (null) - resets all unheld weapons to their starting state - *weapon_reset*
weapon_spawn weapontype:string flag:int - creates a new weapon - weapon_spawn w3_phr 7045
wp_disable_fade - disables weapon fading - wp_disable_fade = 1
wp_fadetime - sets free time for powerups (maybe this is the fade time for weapons)
wp_force_half_scale - !no description!
wp_force_no_scale - !no description!
wp_force_scale - !no description!
wp_kickable - lets the player kick weapons
wp_pow_adjustment - !no description!
wp_scale_adjustment - !no description!
Introduction Game Script Commands
Developer Script Commands
aiming - camera - character - developer console - door - environment - error - film - flag - game state - graphics engine - info to box - info to developer-console - info to file - info to screen - input - melee - particle - patrol path - physics - recoil - script - shooting skill - sky - sound - spacing - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - weapon
am_hit_everything - makes the laser pointer hit all objects
am_invert - inverts the aiming - *am_invert = 1*
chr_debug_aiming_screen - turns on aiming screen debugging - **chr_debug_aiming_screen = 1**
chr_draw_aiming_vector - enables drawing of the aiming vector - *chr_draw_aiming_vector = 1*
aiming - camera - character - developer console - door - environment - error - film - flag - game state - graphics engine - info to box - info to developer-console - info to file - info to screen - input - melee - particle - patrol path - physics - recoil - script - shooting skill - sky - sound - spacing - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - weapon
ai2_debug_localmove_lines - number of lines to cast to debug local-movement code - *ai2_debug_localmove_lines = 1*
### detaches camera; you can rotate the camera with your mouse
aiming - camera - character - developer console - door - environment - error - film - flag - game state - graphics engine - info to box - info to developer-console - info to file - info to screen - input - melee - particle - patrol path - physics - recoil - script - shooting skill - sky - sound - spacing - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - weapon
character_name_distance - specifies the distance from the camera that character names no longer draw
chr_collision_box - toggles character bounding box / bounding sphere collision
chr_collision_grow - sets character bounding box collision grow amount
chr_debug_characters - enables debugging information for characters - *chr_debug_characters = 1*
chr_debug_sphere - enables sphere tree debugging for characters - *chr_debug_sphere = 1*
chr_debug_target [chr_index: int] - selects the character debugging target - *chr_debug_target = 1*
### needs chr_debug_characters = 1
chr_display_combat_stats chr_index:int - displays the characters combat stats - **chr_display_combat_stats = 1**
chr_draw_all_characters - forces the drawing of all characters - *chr_draw_all_characters = 1*
### Be careful! Oni can't draw too much characters at once. The limit on my computer is 32 characters.
chr_show_bnv - shows the bnv of the main character - *chr_show_bnv = 1*
chr_show_lod - shows the current lod of the main character - *chr_show_lod = 1*
gs_show_characters - turns on the drawing of characters - *gs_show_characters = 0*
gs_show_shadows - enables character shadows - *gs_show_shadows = 0*
show_characters - enables the display of character starting positions
aiming - camera - character - developer console - door - environment - error - film - flag - game state - graphics engine - info to box - info to developer-console - info to file - info to screen - input - melee - particle - patrol path - physics - recoil - script - shooting skill - sky - sound - spacing - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - weapon
co_toggle_text (null) - cycles console text color
co_message_display - enables text message display - *co_message_display = 0*
### co_message_display = 0 ==> you can't read dmsg messages any longer
co_display - enables console display
co_priority - changes the priority of messages to display on the console
co_fade_time - the fade time of the console
aiming - camera - character - developer console - door - environment - error - film - flag - game state - graphics engine - info to box - info to developer-console - info to file - info to screen - input - melee - particle - patrol path - physics - recoil - script - shooting skill - sky - sound - spacing - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - weapon
door_drawframes - draws doorframes for all unplaced doors
door_pop_lighting - uses bad door lighting
door_show_activation - draws a circle where door activates
door_show_debug - shows debug geometry
ob_show_debug - enable physics debugging visuals - *ob_show_debug = 1*
### visible, when opening a door
aiming - camera - character - developer console - door - environment - error - film - flag - game state - graphics engine - info to box - info to developer-console - info to file - info to screen - input - melee - particle - patrol path - physics - recoil - script - shooting skill - sky - sound - spacing - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - weapon
debug_env_anim name:string - draws a line for an environment animation
env_drawallgqs - draw all the GQs
env_drawfrustum - draw the frustum around the environment camera
env_drawvisonly - draw only the GQs used for visibility
env_highlight_gq - highlights a particular gq - *env_highlight_gq = 1*
env_ray_number - sets the number of rays to cast - *env_ray_number = 1*
env_show_ghostgqs - when true show ghost GQs - *env_show_ghostgqs = 1*
env_show_leafnodes - enables display of environment octtree leaf nodes
env_show_octnode_gqs - when true the environment only renders triangles in the octnode that contains the manual camera
env_show_octtree - enables display of environment octtree traversal
env_show_quad_count - shows the count of visable environment quads
env_show_rays - draw the rays
env_show_stairflagged - show specially flagged noncollision quads
gs_show_environment - turns on doing the environment - *gs_show_environment = 0*
### Oni crashed
p3_show_env_collision - draws particle / environment collisions - *p3_show_env_collision = 1*
show_chr_env_collision - draws character / environment collisions - *show_chr_env_collision = 1*
show_laser_env_collision - draws laser / environment collisions
aiming - camera - character - developer console - door - environment - error - film - flag - game state - graphics engine - info to box - info to developer-console - info to file - info to screen - input - melee - particle - patrol path - physics - recoil - script - shooting skill - sky - sound - spacing - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - weapon
ai2_set_handlesilenterror handle_silent:bool [subsystem:string] - sets whether handled errors are silent
ai2_set_logerror error_level:string [subsystem:string] - sets the level of errors to log to file
ai2_set_reporterror error_level:string [subsystem:string] - sets the level of errors to report at console
crash when:string{"now"} - crashes the game (used for testing error handling)
hang when:string{"now"} - hangs the game (used for testing error handling)
aiming - camera - character - developer console - door - environment - error - film - flag - game state - graphics engine - info to box - info to developer-console - info to file - info to screen - input - melee - particle - patrol path - physics - recoil - script - shooting skill - sky - sound - spacing - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - weapon
saved_film_character_offset - dumps the filmed animation data of the player to file - *saved_film_character_offset = 1*
### needs "bind fkey9 to start_record" and "bind fkey10 to stop_record"
### if you press [F9] the record starts and will be dumped to a file named saved_film000.dat
### hotkey in developer mode: [F9] - starts the recording
### hotkey in developer mode: [F10] - ends the recording
saved_film_loop - plays the recorded film in a loop - *saved_film_loop = 1*
### needs "bind fkey9 to start_record", "bind fkey10 to stop_record" and "bind fkey11 to play_record"
### hotkey in developer mode: [F9] - starts the recording
### hotkey in developer mode: [F10] - ends the recording
### hotkey in developer mode: [F11] - plays the recording back
sc_focus chr_index:int - sets which character we're authoring for a film
aiming - camera - character - developer console - door - environment - error - film - flag - game state - graphics engine - info to box - info to developer-console - info to file - info to screen - input - melee - particle - patrol path - physics - recoil - script - shooting skill - sky - sound - spacing - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - weapon
flag_name_distance - specifies the distance from the camera that flag names no longer draw
flag_new_id - specifies the id for a new flag
flag_view_prefix prefix:string - view flags with a specific prefix
show_flags - enables the display of flags
aiming - camera - character - developer console - door - environment - error - film - flag - game state - graphics engine - info to box - info to developer-console - info to file - info to screen - input - melee - particle - patrol path - physics - recoil - script - shooting skill - sky - sound - spacing - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - weapon
chr_buffer_size - 0 = normal buffer, otherwise buffer duration
chr_draw_all_characters - forces the drawing of all characters - *chr_draw_all_characters = 1*
### Be careful! Oni can't draw too much characters at once. The limit on my computer is 32 characters.
chr_draw_weapon - controls drawing of weapons - *chr_draw_weapon = 0*
draw_every_frame - forces drawing of every frame - *draw_every_frame = 1*
draw_every_frame_multiple - draw every frame multiple
fast_lookup - enables fast lookup
fast_mode - makes the game run fast - *fast_mode = 1*
### hotkey in developer mode: [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [F] or [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [F] - enables/disbales fast mode
env_drawallgqs - draw all the GQs
env_drawfrustum - draw the frustum around the environment camera
env_drawvisonly - draw only the GQs used for visibility
gs_input_accel - use this to control the input sensitivity
gs_screen_shot_reduce - 2^n amount of reduction
gs_show_characters - turns on the drawing of characters - *gs_show_characters = 0*
gs_show_environment - turns on doing the environment - *gs_show_environment = 0*
### Oni crashed
gs_show_object_count - shows the count of objects
gs_show_objects - turns on the drawing of objects *gs_show_objects = 0*
gs_show_particles - turns on the drawing of particles - *gs_show_particles = 0*
gs_show_physics_count - shows the count of physics
gs_show_scripting_count - shows the count of active scripting contexts
gs_show_shadows - enables character shadows - *gs_show_shadows = 0*
gs_show_sky - turns on the sky
gs_show_ui - turns on the ui - *gs_show_ui = 0*
gs_sleep - turns on a call to sleep to make debugging easier
gs_stable_ear - makes the ear stable
li_center_cursor - should we center the cursor - *li_center_cursor = 0*
perf_prefix (null) - sets the perf prefix
single_step - puts the game in single step mode - *single_step = 1*
### no key for next step
sync_debug - enables sync debugging
aiming - camera - character - developer console - door - environment - error - film - flag - game state - graphics engine - info to box - info to developer-console - info to file - info to screen - input - melee - particle - patrol path - physics - recoil - script - shooting skill - sky - sound - spacing - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - weapon
m3_buffer_clear - toggles buffer clear
m3_clear_color - !no description!
m3_display_list (null) - lists all the display modes - **m3_display_list**
m3_display_set device_index:int mode_index:int - sets the active display mode - *m3_display_set 0 6*
### Oni crashed
m3_double_buffer - toggles double buffer mode - *m3_double_buffer = 0*
### if m3_double_buffer = 0, the display flickers a lot and you can't exit Oni anymore
m3_draw_engine_list (null) - lists all the engines - **m3_draw_engine_list**
m3_engine_set geom_engine:int draw_engine:int - sets the active engine
m3_fill_solid - toggles wireframe/solid - *m3_fill_solid = 0*
m3_geom_engine_list (null) - lists all the engines - **m3_geom_engine_list**
m3_quality_set quality:string - sets the current graphics quality
m3_shade_vertex - vertex shader on/off - *m3_shade_vertex = 0*
m3_texture - !no description!
m3_zcompareon - true if zcompare is on
aiming - camera - character - developer console - door - environment - error - film - flag - game state - graphics engine - info to box - info to developer-console - info to file - info to screen - input - melee - particle - patrol path - physics - recoil - script - shooting skill - sky - sound - spacing - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - weapon
am_show_filenames - dumps the closest GQ index file/obj name to console - *am_show_filenames = 1*
chr_debug_characters - enables debugging information for characters - *chr_debug_characters = 1*
chr_debug_overlay - enables debugging information for overlays - *chr_debug_overlay = 1*
chr_debug_target [chr_index: int] - selects the character debugging target - *chr_debug_target = 1*
### needs chr_debug_characters = 1
chr_show_bnv - shows the bnv of the main character - *chr_show_bnv = 1*
chr_show_lod - shows the current lod of the main character - *chr_show_lod = 1*
show_performance - enables performance display - *show_performance = 1*
### hotkey: [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [Y] or [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Y] - enables/disbales performance display
show_performance_gsd - !no description!
show_performance_gsu - !no description!
aiming - camera - character - developer console - door - environment - error - film - flag - game state - graphics engine - info to box - info to developer-console - info to file - info to screen - input - melee - particle - patrol path - physics - recoil - script - shooting skill - sky - sound - spacing - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - weapon
ai2_debug_showsettingIDs - shows ID numbers for combat, melee and neutral settings
ai2_pathdebugsquare x:int y:int - selects a path square in the player's BNV for debugging
ai2_printbnvindex (null) - prints the index of the player's BNV
ai2_printspawn - prints information about each AI spawn
ai2_showmem (null) - shows AI memory usage - **ai2_showmem**
am_show_closest - dumps the closest GQ index to console
chr_debug_aiming_screen - turns on aiming screen debugging - **chr_debug_aiming_screen = 1**
chr_debug_collision - turns on/off debugging of collision
chr_debug_fall - controls debugging falling - **chr_debug_fall = 1**
chr_debug_footsteps - footstep debugging mode - **chr_debug_footsteps = 1**
chr_debug_footsteps_verbose - verbose footstep debugging mode - **chr_debug_footsteps_verbose = 1**
chr_debug_handle - turns on debugging for the handle code - **chr_debug_handle = 1**
chr_debug_impacts - prints debugging info about character melee impacts - **chr_debug_impacts = 1**
chr_debug_pathfinding - control pathfinding debugging
chr_display_combat_stats chr_index:int - displays the characters combat stats - **chr_display_combat_stats = 1**
chr_print_sound - turns on printing of the sound effect
chr_show_movement - enables movement debugging information for characters - **chr_show_movement = 1**
chr_who (null) - lists all the players - **chr_who**
console_print (null) - dumps all arguments
debug_consoles - prints debugging information about console usage - **debug_consoles = 1**
debug_gun_behavior - enable AI gun behavior debugging - **debug_gun_behavior = 1**
debug_impacts - prints impacts as they occur - **debug_impacts = 1**
debug_scripts - enable script debugging - **debug_scripts = 1**
debug_triggers - enable trigger volume debugging - **debug_triggers = 1**
debug_weapons - prints debugging info about weapon particle events - *debug_weapons = 1*
dprint astring:string - debugging print - dprint last_guards_activated
m3_display_list (null) - lists all the display modes - **m3_display_list**
m3_draw_engine_list (null) - lists all the engines - **m3_draw_engine_list**
m3_geom_engine_list (null) - lists all the engines - **m3_geom_engine_list**
p3_count (null) - lists a count of P3 particles - **p3_count**
p3_printtags (null) - prints out all environmental particles with tags - **p3_printtags**
print_state state:int - prints an anim state - **print_state 1**
print_type type:int - prints an anim type - **print_type 5**
sound_show_debug - displays sound debugging info - *sound_show_debug = 1*
sync_debug - enables sync debugging
turret_show_debug - enables the display of turret debug lines
where [ai_name:string | script_id:int] - prints location of a character - **where 0**
who (null) - prints AIs that are nearby - **who**
aiming - camera - character - developer console - door - environment - error - film - flag - game state - graphics engine - info to box - info to developer-console - info to file - info to screen - input - melee - particle - patrol path - physics - recoil - script - shooting skill - sky - sound - spacing - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - weapon
ai2_report [ai_name:string | script_id:int] - tells an AI to report in - *ai2_report* // *ai2_report A1_s_red01*
### creates a AI2_log.txt file
### don't use char_0 or 0 ==> Oni will crash
ai2_report_verbose [ai_name:string | script_id:int] - tells an AI to report in verbosely - *ai2_report_verbose* // *ai2_report_verbose A1_s_red01*
### creates the same AI2_log.txt file as above, but in a better readable layout
### must be activated with a seperate function during (!) the game; for example:
### func void report_function(void)
### {
### chr_wait_animtype 0 crouch
### ai2_report_verbose
### }
### don't use char_0 or 0 ==> Oni will crash
ai2_skill_show (null) - shows the currently selected shooting skill - *ai2_skill_show*
### needs ai2_skill_select; for example: ai2_skill_select konoko_generic w1_tap
### creates a shooting_skill.txt file
chr_playback_debug film_name:string - dumps stats for a playback film
co_show_all (null) - shows all registered variables and commands - *co_show_all*
### creates an empty Console_Docs.txt file
dump_docs (null) - shows all registered variables and commands - *dump_docs*
### creates a script_commands.txt file (55 kb)
### IMO it's a little bit buggy and the var lines come without any explanation
p3_dumpparticles (null) - dump all particles to a text file - *p3_dumpparticles*
p3_writeusedparticles (null) - writes all particles used on this level to a text file - *p3_writeusedparticles*
playback_debug film_name:string - dumps stats for a playback film
saved_film_character_offset - dumps the filmed animation data of the player to file - *saved_film_character_offset = 1*
### needs "bind fkey9 to start_record" and "bind fkey10 to stop_record"
### if you press F9 the record starts and will be dumped to a file named saved_film000.dat
sound_list_broken_links (null) - function writes a list of sounds which have broken links to a file - *sound_list_broken_links*
### creates a BrokenSoundLinks.txt file
tr_write_animation anim_name:string file_name:string - writes a animation of a character to a file - *tr_write_animation KONSPRrun_lt anim.txt*
tr_write_collection collection_name:string file_name:string - writes all animations of a charcter to a file - *tr_write_collection konoko_animations animcoll.txt*
tr_write_lookup file_name:string - !no description! - *tr_write_lookup test.txt*
aiming - camera - character - developer console - door - environment - error - film - flag - game state - graphics engine - info to box - info to developer-console - info to file - info to screen - input - melee - particle - patrol path - physics - recoil - script - shooting skill - sky - sound - spacing - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - weapon
ai2_debug_localmovement - debug local-movement code from player's position - *ai2_debug_localmovement = 1*
ai2_debug_localpathfinding - debug local-path code from player's position and facing - *ai2_debug_localpathfinding = 1*
ai2_findconnections [distance:int] - finds all BNV connections from the player's location - *ai2_findconnections 10*
ai2_showactivationpaths - turns on inactive ==> active pathfinding rendering - *ai2_showactivationpaths = 1*
ai2_showastar - shows grid squares that are evaluated by the A* pathfinding
ai2_showcombatranges - shows circles that represent the combat ranges of each AI - *ai2_showcombatranges = 1*
ai2_showconnections - turns on pathfinding connection rendering - *ai2_showconnections = 1*
ai2_showdynamicgrids - turns on pathfinding dynamic grid display - *ai2_showdynamicgrids = 1*
### needs ai2_showgrids = 1
ai2_showfights - shows fights in progress - *ai2_showfights = 1*
ai2_showfiringspreads - shows AI firing spread knowledge - *ai2_showfiringspreads = 1*
ai2_showgrids - turns on pathfinding grid rendering - *ai2_showgrids = 1*
ai2_showhealth - draws a health bar for every AI above their head - *ai2_showhealth = 1*
ai2_showintersections - debug AI's melee intersections
ai2_showjoblocations - draws a green cross at each AI's job location - *ai2_showjoblocations = 1*
ai2_showlasers - turns on laser sights for AI2 characters
ai2_showlinetochar - draws a line from the player to every AI - *ai2_showlinetochar = 1*
ai2_showlocalmelee - shows local-environment melee awareness - *ai2_showlocalmelee = 1*
ai2_showlos - shows AI line-of-sight checking - *ai2_showlos = 1*
ai2_shownames - draws the name of every AI above their head - *ai2_shownames = 1*
ai2_showpathfindingerrors - enables visual display of pathfinding errors - *ai2_showpathfindingerrors = 1*
ai2_showpaths - shows the path each AI is following - *ai2_showpaths = 1*
ai2_showprediction - shows prediction info for AI2 characters - *ai2_showprediction = 1*
ai2_showprojectiles - shows AI projectile knowledge - *ai2_showprojectiles = 1*
ai2_showsounds - shows AI sounds as they are generated - *ai2_showsounds = 1*
ai2_showtargeting - shows targeting info for AI2 characters - *ai2_showtargeting = 1*
ai2_showvision - shows each AI's vision cones (central and peripheral) - *ai2_showvision = 1*
am_show_axes - shows world axes
chr_collision_box - toggles character bounding box / bounding sphere collision
chr_debug_sphere - enables sphere tree debugging for characters - *chr_debug_sphere = 1*
chr_debug_trigger_quad - controls trigger quad debugging - *chr_debug_trigger_quad = 1*
chr_draw_aiming_vector - enables drawing of the aiming vector - *chr_draw_aiming_vector = 1*
chr_draw_dot loc_x:float loc_y:float loc_z:float - draws a dot at a specified location - *chr_draw_dot 0 0 0*
chr_draw_facing_vector - enables drawing of the facing vector - *chr_draw_facing_vector = 1*
debug_env_anim name:string - draws a line for an environment animation
door_drawframes - draws doorframes for all unplaced doors
door_show_activation - draws a circle where door activates
door_show_debug - shows debug geometry
env_highlight_gq - highlights a particular gq - *env_highlight_gq = 1*
env_ray_number - sets the number of rays to cast - *env_ray_number = 1*
env_show_ghostgqs - when true show ghost GQs - *env_show_ghostgqs = 1*
env_show_leafnodes - enables display of environment octtree leaf nodes
env_show_octnode_gqs - when true the environment only renders triangles in the octnode that contains the manual camera
env_show_octtree - enables display of environment octtree traversal
env_show_quad_count - shows the count of visable environment quads
env_show_rays - draw the rays
env_show_stairflagged - show specially flagged noncollision quads
footstep_flash - footstep flash mode - *footstep_flash = 1*
ob_show_debug - enable physics debugging visuals - *ob_show_debug = 1*
### visible, when opening a door
show_characters - enables the display of character starting positions
show_chr_env_collision - draws character / environment collisions - *show_chr_env_collision = 1*
show_laser_env_collision - draws laser / environment collisions
show_flags - enables the display of flags
show_patrolpaths - enables the display of AI patrol path objects
show_sound_all - sound rings will always be drawn, not just when a sound is selected
show_sound_rectangles - sound rectangles will always be drawn, not just when a sound Rectangle is selected
show_sound_spheres - sound spheres will always be drawn, not just when a sound sphere is selected
show_triggers - enables the display of triggers
show_turrets - enables the display of turrets
spatial_footsteps - spatial footsteps
aiming - camera - character - developer console - door - environment - error - film - flag - game state - graphics engine - info to box - info to developer-console - info to file - info to screen - input - melee - particle - patrol path - physics - recoil - script - shooting skill - sky - sound - spacing - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - weapon
sc_bind_f2 - binds f2 to a specific animation - *sc_bind_f2 = STRCOMpunch_heavy*
sc_bind_f3 - binds f3 to a specific animation - *sc_bind_f3= KONCOMsuper_kick*
### both commands above need "bind fkey2 to cutscene1" and "bind fkey3 to cutscene2"
### both commands above need "bind fkey9 to start_record" and "bind fkey10 to stop_record"
aiming - camera - character - developer console - door - environment - error - film - flag - game state - graphics engine - info to box - info to developer-console - info to file - info to screen - input - melee - particle - patrol path - physics - recoil - script - shooting skill - sky - sound - spacing - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - weapon
ai2_debug_showsettingIDs - shows ID numbers for combat, melee and neutral settings
ai2_melee_weightcorrection - weights down non-attack techniques so they are never more than attacks - *ai2_melee_weightcorrection = 1*
### ai2_melee_weightcorrection = 1 ==> I dunno what it means, but it changes the far clipping plane in a strange way
ai2_showintersections - debug AI's melee intersections
ai2_showlocalmelee - shows local-environment melee awareness - *ai2_showlocalmelee = 1*
chr_debug_impacts - prints debugging info about character melee impacts - **chr_debug_impacts = 1**
chr_display_combat_stats chr_index:int - displays the characters combat stats - **chr_display_combat_stats = 1**
debug_impacts - prints impacts as they occur - **debug_impacts = 1**
### hotkey in developer mode: [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [B] or [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [B] - shows the current melee logic of an opponent
aiming - camera - character - developer console - door - environment - error - film - flag - game state - graphics engine - info to box - info to developer-console - info to file - info to screen - input - melee - particle - patrol path - physics - recoil - script - shooting skill - sky - sound - spacing - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - weapon
gs_show_particles - turns on the drawing of particles - *gs_show_particles = 0*
p3_callevent particle_class:string event_index:int - triggers an event on all P3 particles of a specified class
p3_count (null) - lists a count of P3 particles - **p3_count**
p3_daodan_disable (null) - disables parts of the daodan shield (for debugging)
p3_debug_collision - enables collision debugging display - *p3_debug_collision = 1*
### shows the trajectory of the particles
p3_dumpparticles (null) - dump all particles to a text file - *p3_dumpparticles*
p3_everything_breakable - makes every quad breakable - *p3_everything_breakable = 1*
p3_furniture_breakable - makes all furniture breakable - *p3_furniture_breakable = 1*
p3_glass_breakable - enables breakable glass - *p3_glass_breakable = 1*
p3_killall (null) - kills all P3 particles
p3_killnearest [no_recreate:bool] - kills the nearest P3 particle
p3_printtags (null) - prints out all environmental particles with tags - **p3_printtags**
p3_show_env_collision - draws particle / environment collisions - *p3_show_env_collision = 1*
### only visible, when a bullet hits a solid plane
p3_removedangerous (null) - removes all "dangerous projectile" particles by making their lifetime expire - p3_removedangerous
p3_spawn particle_class:string [velocity:float] - spawns a new P3 particle
p3_startall (null) - creates and starts all environmental particles
p3_stopall (null) - stops all environmental particles
p3_writeusedparticles (null) - writes all particles used on this level to a text file - *p3_writeusedparticles*
particle (null) - sends a command to environmental particles with a given tag
particle_temp_kill (null) - kills any temporary particles - particle_temp_kill
particle_temp_start (null) - starts temporary-particle-creation mode - particle_temp_start
particle_temp_stop (null) - stops temporary-particle-creation mode - particle_temp_stop
aiming - camera - character - developer console - door - environment - error - film - flag - game state - graphics engine - info to box - info to developer-console - info to file - info to screen - input - melee - particle - patrol path - physics - recoil - script - shooting skill - sky - sound - spacing - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - weapon
ai2_showactivationpaths - turns on inactive ==> active pathfinding rendering - *ai2_showactivationpaths = 1*
ai2_showastar - shows grid squares that are evaluated by the A* pathfinding
ai2_showconnections - turns on pathfinding connection rendering - *ai2_showconnections = 1*
ai2_showdynamicgrids - turns on pathfinding dynamic grid display - *ai2_showdynamicgrids = 1*
### needs ai2_showgrids = 1
ai2_showgrids - turns on pathfinding grid rendering - *ai2_showgrids = 1*
ai2_showjoblocations - draws a green cross at each AI's job location - *ai2_showjoblocations = 1*
ai2_showpathfindingerrors - enables visual display of pathfinding errors - *ai2_showpathfindingerrors = 1*
ai2_showpaths - shows the path each AI is following - *ai2_showpaths = 1*
chr_debug_pathfinding - control pathfinding debugging
patrolpath_name_distance - specifies the distance from the camera that patrol point names no longer draw
show_patrolpaths - enables the display of AI patrol path objects
aiming - camera - character - developer console - door - environment - error - film - flag - game state - graphics engine - info to box - info to developer-console - info to file - info to screen - input - melee - particle - patrol path - physics - recoil - script - shooting skill - sky - sound - spacing - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - weapon
gs_show_physics_count - shows the count of physics
ob_show_debug - enable physics debugging visuals - *ob_show_debug = 1*
ph_active - enable physics - *ph_active = 0*
### Oni pins all characters, but remembers their movements
### ph_active = 0 --> move --> ph_active = 1 --> character warps to new position
ph_debug_keyforces - toggle keyboard applied forces
ph_status (null) - lists the collision objects that are nearby - **ph_status**
ph_show_collisions - toggle display of colliding quads - *ph_show_collisions = 1*
### imo the same as show_chr_env_collision = 1
aiming - camera - character - developer console - door - environment - error - film - flag - game state - graphics engine - info to box - info to developer-console - info to file - info to screen - input - melee - particle - patrol path - physics - recoil - script - shooting skill - sky - sound - spacing - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - weapon
recoil_base - base
recoil_edit - enables editable recoil
recoil_factor - factor
recoil_max - max
recoil_return_speed - return speed
aiming - camera - character - developer console - door - environment - error - film - flag - game state - graphics engine - info to box - info to developer-console - info to file - info to screen - input - melee - particle - patrol path - physics - recoil - script - shooting skill - sky - sound - spacing - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - weapon
debug_scripts - enable script debugging - **debug_scripts = 1**
gs_show_scripting_count - shows the count of active scripting contexts
script_reload (null) - reload scripts for a level
aiming - camera - character - developer console - door - environment - error - film - flag - game state - graphics engine - info to box - info to developer-console - info to file - info to screen - input - melee - particle - patrol path - physics - recoil - script - shooting skill - sky - sound - spacing - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - weapon
ai2_skill_select char_class:string weapon_name:string - selects a shooting skill to edit - *ai2_skill_select konoko_generic w1_tap*
### to use the following ai2_skill_... commands, you have to select a shooting skill to edit
ai2_skill_bestangle best_angle:float - sets an AI's best aiming angle in degrees
ai2_skill_decay decay_amount:float - sets an AI's grouping decay
ai2_skill_delaymax maxdelay:int - sets an AI's max delay between shots, in frames
ai2_skill_delaymin mindelay:int - sets an AI's min delay between shots, in frames
ai2_skill_error error_amount:float - sets an AI's grouping error
ai2_skill_inaccuracy inaccuracy:float - sets an AI's shooting inaccuracy multiplier
ai2_skill_recoil recoil_compensation:float - sets an AI's recoil compensation amount (0-1)
ai2_skill_revert (null) - reverts the shooting skill being edited to the saved copy
ai2_skill_save (null) - saves the shooting skill being edited out as a text file
ai2_skill_show (null) - shows the currently selected shooting skill - *ai2_skill_show*
aiming - camera - character - developer console - door - environment - error - film - flag - game state - graphics engine - info to box - info to developer-console - info to file - info to screen - input - melee - particle - patrol path - physics - recoil - script - shooting skill - sky - sound - spacing - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - weapon
gs_show_sky - turns on the sky
sky_height - !no description!
sky_show_planet - toggles display of the planet (sun/moon)
sky_show_stars - toggles display of the stars
sky_show_clouds - toggles display of the clouds
sky_show_skybox - toggles display of the skybox - *sky_show_skybox = 0*
sky_show_sky - toggles display of the sky - *sky_show_sky = 0*
aiming - camera - character - developer console - door - environment - error - film - flag - game state - graphics engine - info to box - info to developer-console - info to file - info to screen - input - melee - particle - patrol path - physics - recoil - script - shooting skill - sky - sound - spacing - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - weapon
ai2_debug_makesound [sound_type:string] [volume:float] - causes the player to make a sound (alerts nearby AIs)
ai2_showsounds - shows AI sounds as they are generated - *ai2_showsounds = 1*
chr_print_sound - turns on printing of the sound effect
show_sound_all - sound rings will always be drawn, not just when a sound is selected
show_sound_rectangles - sound rectangles will always be drawn, not just when a sound Rectangle is selected
show_sound_spheres - sound spheres will always be drawn, not just when a sound sphere is selected
sound_list_broken_links (null) - function writes a list of sounds which have broken links to a file - *sound_list_broken_links*
### creates a BrokenSoundLinks.txt file
sound_show_debug - displays sound debugging info - *sound_show_debug = 1*
aiming - camera - character - developer console - door - environment - error - film - flag - game state - graphics engine - info to box - info to developer-console - info to file - info to screen - input - melee - particle - patrol path - physics - recoil - script - shooting skill - sky - sound - spacing - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - weapon
ai2_spacing_weights - enables position-sensitive weighting of spacing behaviors
ai2_spacing_cookies - number of cookies per fight
ai2_spacing_enable - master enable switch for spacing behavior
aiming - camera - character - developer console - door - environment - error - film - flag - game state - graphics engine - info to box - info to developer-console - info to file - info to screen - input - melee - particle - patrol path - physics - recoil - script - shooting skill - sky - sound - spacing - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - weapon
ai2_showlasers - turns on laser sights for AI2 characters
am_hit_everything - makes the laser pointer hit all objects
fx_laser_width - !no description!
laser_alpha - !no description!
show_laser_env_collision - draws laser / environment collisions
show_triggers - enables the display of triggers
aiming - camera - character - developer console - door - environment - error - film - flag - game state - graphics engine - info to box - info to developer-console - info to file - info to screen - input - melee - particle - patrol path - physics - recoil - script - shooting skill - sky - sound - spacing - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - weapon
debug_triggers - enable trigger volume debugging - **debug_triggers = 1**
aiming - camera - character - developer console - door - environment - error - film - flag - game state - graphics engine - info to box - info to developer-console - info to file - info to screen - input - melee - particle - patrol path - physics - recoil - script - shooting skill - sky - sound - spacing - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - weapon
show_turrets - enables the display of turrets
turret_show_debug - enables the display of turret debug lines
aiming - camera - character - developer console - door - environment - error - film - flag - game state - graphics engine - info to box - info to developer-console - info to file - info to screen - input - melee - particle - patrol path - physics - recoil - script - shooting skill - sky - sound - spacing - trigger (laser) - trigger volume - turret - weapon
chr_draw_weapon - controls drawing of weapons - *chr_draw_weapon = 0*
debug_weapons - prints debugging info about weapon particle events - *debug_weapons = 1*
Introduction Game Script Commands Developer Script Commands
behemoth - Godzilla Mode enabled / Godzilla Mode disabled
bighead - Big Head enabled / Big Head disabled
canttouchthis - Unstoppable enabled / Unstoppable disabled
carousel - Slow Motion enabled / Slow Motion disabled
chenille - Daodan Power enabled / Daodan Power disabled
elderrune - Regeneration enabled / Regeneration disabled
fatloot - Fat Loot received
fistsoflegend - Fists Of Legend enabled / Fists Of Legend disabled
glassworld - Glass Furniture enabled / Glass Furniture disabled
killmequick - Ultra Mode enabled / Ultra Mode disabled
liveforever - Invincibility enabled / Invincibility disabled
loselevel - Instantly Lose Level
minime - Mini Mode enabled / Mini Mode disabled
moonshadow - Phase Cloak enabled / Phase Cloak disabled
munitionfrenzy - Weapons Locker created
reservoirdogs - Last Man Standing enabled / Last Man Standing disabled
roughjustice - Gatling Guns enabled / Gatling Guns disabled
shapeshifter - Change Characters enabled / Change Characters disabled (change character: forward with F8, backward with Shift + F8)
superammo - Super Ammo Mode enabled / Super Ammo Mode disabled
thedayismine - Developer Mode enabled / Developer Mode disabled
### you need a modified file for that
touchofdeath - Omnipotence enabled / Omnipotence disabled
winlevel - Instantly Win Level