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6D 41 53 4FOSAmOni Sound Ambient
C8 00 00 00200200 bytes; size of the part that follows
06 00 00 006unknown
01 00 00 001priority; the following priorities are possible (values in dec):

0 - low
1 - normal
2 - high
3 - highest

04 00 00 004sound options; it's a bitset; the following bits are possible (values in dec):

0 - none
1 - interrupt tracks on stop
2 - play once
4 - can pan

00 00 20 4110.000000unknown
00 00 80 3F1.000000minimum elapsed time in seconds
00 00 80 3F1.000000maximum elapsed time in seconds
00 00 20 4110.000000minimum volume distance
00 00 48 4250.000000maximum volume distance
not useddetail track name (reference to a Group.OSBD file)
aircon5lpbase track 1 name (reference to 06375-aircon5lp.grp.OSBD)
not usedbase track 2 name (reference to a Group.OSBD file)
not usedin sound name (reference to a Group.OSBD file)
not usedout sound name (reference to a Group.OSBD file)
03 00 00 003unknown
00 00 00 000.000000unknown
 fillernot used

Left words for the "unknown" fields above are: sphere radius, min. occlusion and threshold.

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