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Object Animation

01 86 00 0013400134-Blackvan_FB.OBAN
01 00 00 063level 3
00 00 00 ...0unknown; always zero; don't alter it
00 00 00 000unknown; used values are: 0, 1 and 16
C2 F5 E8 3F1.819999initial x-part of the x-scale vector
AB D7 AA B3-0.000000...initial y-part of the x-scale vector
EC 89 13 350.000000...initial z-part of the x-scale vector
EC 89 13 350.000000...initial x-part of the y-scale vector
ED 89 13 B4-0.000000...initial y-part of the y-scale vector
C2 F5 E8 BF-1.819999initial z-part of the y-scale vector
B1 D7 AA 330.000000...initial x-part of the z-scale vector
C2 F5 E8 3F1.819999initial y-part of the z-scale vector
EB 89 13 B4-0.000000...initial z-part of the z-scale vector
6B 9A 94 441188.825561initial x-position
97 FD 5B C2-54.997646initial y-position (height)
5D 06 DA C2-109.012428initial z-position
C2 F5 E8 3F1.819999fixed x-part of the x-scale vector
00 00 00 000.000000fixed y-part of the x-scale vector
00 00 00 000.000000fixed z-part of the x-scale vector
00 00 00 000.000000fixed x-part of the y-scale vector
C2 F5 E8 3F1.819999fixed y-part of the y-scale vector
00 00 00 000.000000fixed z-part of the y-scale vector
00 00 00 000.000000fixed x-part of the z-scale vector
00 00 00 000.000000fixed y-part of the z-scale vector
C2 F5 E8 3F1.819999fixed z-part of the z-scale vector
00 00 00 000.000000fixed x-translation
00 00 00 000.000000fixed y-translation
00 00 00 000.000000fixed z-translation
50 0080number of frames ???
F5 01501animation lenght in frames
00 000unknown
65 00101101 packages follow (one package is edged in black)
Below follows the first package.
F4 04 35 BF-0.7071068x-rotation (-0.707 = -45 degrees)
6A 19 C4 B3-0.000000...y-rotation
CE 3C 03 B4-0.000000...z-rotation
F3 04 35 BF-0.7071067rotation on the vector above (-0.707 = -45 degrees)
6B 9A 94 441188.825561x-position
97 FD 5B C2-54.997646y-position (height)
5D 06 DA C2-109.012428z-position
00 00 00 000passed time in frames

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