Hex | Translation | Meaning |
01 28 11 00 | 4392 | 04392-muro_animations.TRAC |
01 00 00 06 | 3 | level 3 |
AD DE | dead | not used |
01 0B 06 00 | 1547 | link to 01547-comguy_animations.TRAC |
00 00 | 0 | unknown |
37 00 | 55 | 55 packages follow (one package is edged in black) |
Below follows the first package. | ||
64 00 | 100 | animation weight, a higher value indicates that this animation has a better chance to be picked up if there are multiple animations possible for the same (from state, animation type, varient, first level) pair (Thanks to Neo.) |
00 00 | 0 | only used at runtime (Thanks to Neo.) |
AD DE | dead | not used |
01 E2 10 00 | 4322 | link to 04322-MURCOMidle1.TRAM |
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