Table of contents
Level 1 - TCTF Training & Syndicate Warehouse (58 images, 348 kb)
Level 2 - Manufacturing Plant (39 images, 234 kb)
Level 3 - Bio-Research Lab (65 images, 390 kb)
Level 4 - Airport Assault (50 images, 300 kb)
Level 6 - Airport Cargo Hangars (96 images, 576 kb)
Level 8 - TCTF Regional HQ (138 images, 828 kb)
Level 9 - Atmospheric Conversion Center (exterior) (76 images, 456 kb)
Level 10 - Atmospheric Conversion Center (interior) (63 images, 378 kb)
Level 11 - Regional State Building (55 images, 330 kb)
Level 12 - Rooftops (54 images, 324 kb)
Level 13 - Doctor Hasegawa's Lab (31 images, 186 kb)
Level 14 - TCTF Science Prison (68 images, 408 kb)
Level 18 - TCTF Regional HQ (redux) (91 images, 546 kb)
Level 19 - Syndicate Mountain Compound (90 images, 540 kb)
The complete overview as a
text file
(145 kb). Copy it to a spreadsheet calculation program like Excel.