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44 42 41 53SABDsound animations binary data
3C 0C 00 0031323132 bytes is the length of the following sound animations part from this position
Below follows the family part (not edged in the image).
53 41 46 54TFAStotoro family animation sound ?
04 00 00 0044 bytes is the length of the following family part
06 00 00 006unknown
Below follows the variant part (not edged in the image).
53 41 56 54TVAStotoro variant animation sound ?
20 00 00 003232 bytes is the length of the following variant part
Anycharacter variant name (reference to 01666-any.ONCV)
Below follows the ASAS part.
53 41 53 41ASASunknown
84 00 00 0013232 bytes is the length of the following ASAS part
00 00 00 000start frame of the sound
Anymodifier; the following modifiers are possible:
  • Any
  • Light Damage
  • Medium Damage
  • Heavy Damage
Animationanimation type
KONOKOacidanimation name (reference to 02465-KONOKOacid.TRAM)
splash_bubblessound name (reference to 08984-splash_bubbles.imp.OSBD)

Here you can download the complete overview of all sound_animations as a text file (4 kb).
Copy it to a spreadsheet calculation program like Excel.

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