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WM (Window Menu) Dialog Data - Level 0 File

01 05 06 00154101541-dialog_mainmenu.WMDD
01 00 00 000level 0
Main Menutitle of the window
96 00 00 00150identification number, that this is the main menu dialog; do not change it
01 00 00 001window status; the following types are possible (values in dec):

0 - hide the window (if you use that, you'll get a black screen and the orange mouse cursor; that means you can't quit Oni, so you have to reset your computer)
1 - show the window
2 - grey title (normaly it's black) + window fixed (you can't move the window)
4 - window fixed (you can't move the window)

00 00 0window design; it's a bitset; the following designs are possible (values in dec):

0 - nothing
1 - thin light blue border around the window
2 - thick light lila border around the window
4 - light lila title bar
8 - title (title bar required)
16 - "close"-button (title bar required)
32 - "restore"-button (title bar required)
64 - "minimize"-button (title bar required)

01 001window position; the following positions are possible (values in dec):

0 - the window is located in the upper left corner of the screen
1 - the window is located in the center of the screen

00 00 00 000unknown; always zero
80 02640width of the window
E0 01480height of the window
06 00 00 0066 packages follow (one package is edged in black)
Below follows the first package.
New Gamebutton text
04 004type; the following types are used (values in dec):

3 - title
4 - button
5 - checkbox
7 - edit field
8 - listbox
11 - background picture (TXMB) or texture (TXMP)
12 - pull-down menu
13 - progress bar
14 - radio button
17 - slider
20 - text only

64 00100button is enabled + link to the window; the links for this file are (valus in dec):

100 - "new game" window
101 - "load game" window
102 - "options" window
104 - "resume" window
103 - "quit" window

01 001button option; it's a bitset; the following options are used (values in dec):

0 - nothing
1 - show active button (button is enabled)
2 - show inactive button (needs "show button"; button is disabled)
4 - disable button (needs "show button"; button is disabled)

00 000unknown; always zero
00 000window design, see table above (use the back button of your browser to come back)
03 003visible option; it's a bitset; the following options are used (values in dec):

0 - nothing
1 - show button / scrollbar / checkbox text
2 - show button text
4 - show title
8 - show listbox entries

5E 01350x-position of the button (from the upper left corner of the window)
E6 00230y-position of the button (from the upper left corner of the window)
B4 00180x-dimension of the button (width)
28 0040y-dimension of the button (height)
01 02 00 002link to 00002-Tahoma.TSFF
01 00 00 001font option; the following options are possible (values in dec):

0 - normal font
1 - bold font
2 - italic font

00 7F FF FF0, 127, 255; 255font color (blue, green, red); transparency
01 001unknown; always the same (font x-size; unused by Oni?)
0A 0010font size (font y-size; read by DCrText_SetFontInfo)

some notes for me: visible: very strange; needs more investigation; seems that the meaning isn't 100% correct; 16 show text

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