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Turret - Level 0 File

The first pic shows the beginning of this file. The second pic the end of it.

01 BF 01 0044700447-sap_turret_floor.TURR
01 00 00 000level 0
sap_turret_floorname of this file
00 00 00 000unknown; always zero
AD DEdeadnot used
00 000unknown; always zero
07 007amount of used packages (the file contains space for 16 packages)
01 001unknown; always the same
AD DEdeadnot used
01 C0 01 00448link to 00448-.M3GM (turret base)
00 00 00 000obsolete OBLS link; always zero
00 00 00 000unknown; always zero
01 C3 01 00451link to 00451-.M3GM (turret arm)
00 00 00 000unknown; always zero
01 C4 01 00452link to 00452-.M3GM (turret weapon)
00 00 00 000unknown; always zero
0D F8 C1 340.000000...X translation for turret arm
CF B4 07 418.481642Y translation for turret arm
13 A2 03 340.000000...Z translation for turret arm
DA F5 9F B1-0.000000...X translation for turret weapon (arm relative)
1D FC 33 320.000000...translation for turret weapon (arm relative)
F7 FE 3F B3-0.000000...Z translation for turret weapon (arm relative)
Below follows the first package.
w2_sap_e013D particle name (reference to 06243-3RAPw2_sap_e01.BINA)
00 00 00 000unknown; always zero
05 00 00 005shot frequency in 1/60 seconds (5/60 = 0.0833 = 1 shot per 0.0833 seconds)
B0 90 9F B8-0.000076x1 coefficient of transform matrix
9E C1 7F 3F0.999048y1 coefficient of transform matrix
39 AC 32 3D0.043621z1 coefficient of transform matrix
62 F8 0E 3C0.008726x2 coefficient of transform matrix
C9 A9 32 BD-0.043619y2 coefficient of transform matrix
21 BF 7F 3F0.999010z2 coefficient of transform matrix
81 FD 7F 3F0.999962x3 coefficient of transform matrix
D6 6B EF 390.000457y3 coefficient of transform matrix
A0 C7 0E BC-0.008715z3 coefficient of transform matrix
46 0F 4D BD-0.050063x4 coefficient of transform matrix
47 C9 C4 BD-0.096087y4 coefficient of transform matrix
81 4E 94 404.634583z4 coefficient of transform matrix
AD DEdeadnot used
Below follows the end of the TURR file.
00 00 00 000unknown; always zero
81 FD 7F 3F0.999962x1 coefficient of transform matrix
8E A7 47 390.000190y1 coefficient of transform matrix
1A F8 0E 3C0.008726z1 coefficient of transform matrix
8E A7 47 390.000190x2 coefficient of transform matrix
A0 C1 7F 3F0.999048y2 coefficient of transform matrix
6F A9 32 BD-0.043619z2 coefficient of transform matrix
1A F8 0E BC-0.008726x3 coefficient of transform matrix
6F A9 32 3D0.043619y3 coefficient of transform matrix
21 BF 7F 3F0.999010z3 coefficient of transform matrix
00 00 00 000.000000x4 coefficient of transform matrix
00 00 00 000.000000y4 coefficient of transform matrix
00 00 00 000.000000z4 coefficient of transform matrix
62 F8 0E 3C0.008726unknown
C9 A9 32 BD-0.043619unknown
21 BF 7F 3F0.999010unknown
44 57 B9 BD-0.090498unknown
73 27 D9 3D0.106032unknown
D1 99 B1 3B0.005420unknown
00 00 96 441200.000000unknown; always the same
00 00 00 000.000000unknown; always zero
00 00 20 402.500000unknown; always the same
00 00 48 44800.000000unknown; always the same
00 00 00 000.000000unknown; always zero
00 00 00 000.000000unknown; always zero
05 00 00 005unknown; always the same
00 00 00 000unknown; always zero
00 00 00 000unknown; always zero
00 00 00 000unknown; always zero
00 00 00 000unknown; always zero
00 00 00 000.000000unknown; always zero
00 00 00 000.000000unknown; always zero
00 00 00 3F0.500000unknown; always the same
00 00 F0 42120.000000unknown; always the same
00 00 80 3F1.000000unknown; always the same
00 00 00 000.000000unknown; always zero
05 00 00 005unknown; always the same
0F 00 00 0015unknown; always the same
3C 00 00 0060unknown; always the same
9A 99 99 3E0.300000unknown; always the same
BE F9 0E 3C0.008727unknown; always the same
00 00 00 000.000000unknown; always zero
00 00 00 3F0.500000unknown; always the same
00 00 80 3F1.000000unknown; always the same
00 00 00 3F0.500000unknown; always the same
84 03 00 00900unknown
C2 B8 B2 BE-0.349066unknown; always the same if it's a floor turret
DB 0F C9 3F1.570796unknown; always the same if it's a floor turret
67 3B 54 C0-3.316126unknown; always the same if it's a floor turret
67 3B 54 403.316126unknown; always the same if it's a floor turret
AE 4B 6E 3C0.014544unknown
AE 4B 6E 3C0.014544unknown
turret_activeactive turret sound (reference to 08674-turret_active.amb.OSBD)
.unknown; always the same
AD DEdeadnot used

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